Des aliments produits pour les Canadiens et qui sont gaspillés
Tonnes de déchets alimentaires évitables — c'est-à-dire des aliments gaspillés qui sont comestibles
Les kilogrammes de gaz à effet de serre générées chaque année par le gaspillage alimentaire — l'équivalent de 56 millions de voitures
Favoriser le changement grâce à la sensibilisation aux politiques et aux partenariats.
Le récupération alimentaire est notre mission principale.
La recherche sur les déchets alimentaires est essentielle pour un avenir durable.
Partager tout ce que nous savons sur l'alimentation.
Rescued food from organizations like Second Harvest can be crucial for All Nations Hope Network. It helps ensure that families and individuals in need receive nutritious meals, particularly during high-demand periods like the holidays. This support alleviates food insecurity and helps the organization allocate resources more effectively.
Many, if not most of, our members do experience food insecurity, so they look forward to ‘Grocery Thursdays.’ The healthy food items provided by Second Harvest are very much appreciated, as generally these are the most expensive and unaffordable, but to most of us are basic staples.
Rescued food, particularly from Second Harvest, is essential to our efforts throughout the year and becomes especially valuable during the holidays. Second Harvest provides us with non-perishable items, which helps stretch our resources further. With these donations covering basic staples, we’re able to allocate more of our budget toward fresh produce and proteins, allowing us to offer families a wider range of nutritious options.